week 8: nanotechnology & art

This week's content was super interesting! I hadn’t had much experience or knowledge of nanotechnology prior to this, so it was captivating and thought-provoking to learn about how revolutionizing nanotechnology is. It also shocked me to see how nanotechnology is making its way into so many aspects of our lives. To start, nanotechnology dates back centuries. Though it is a relatively new field of knowledge for myself, it's actually really cool to learn that it has been present throughout history. In fact, it has been discovered that the Romans had experience with nanotechnology (Bayda et al 2019). The Roman Lycurgus Cup is evidence of nanotechnology; the existence of nanoparticles creates the dichroic effect of the class (Bayda et al 2019). Patowary, Kaushik. “Lycurgus Cup: A Piece of Ancient Roman Nanotechnology.” Amusing Planet, 19 Aug. 2020, www.amusingplanet.com/2016/12/lycurgus-cup-piece-of-ancient-roman.html. ...